Wednesday 6 April 2016

Daniel Assouline, the Former CEO of UpClick is Honest, Sincere and a Focused Leader

Daniel Assouline, the former CEO of Montreal, Canada based is a development oriented leader who makes things happen rather than waiting for things to happen.

Modern organizations operating in a highly challenging business environment need a dynamic and experienced leader who can steer modern firms in the right direction.

A highly proactive leader, Daniel creates opportunity for growth and development of his employees as well as the organization he heads by enlisting the help of people around him.

The competency and intelligence level of the leader is the single most important factor that determines the success of an organization.  

There are also other important characteristics and traits as well that are good pointers to how a person will perform as the head of an organization.

Some of the important traits that define successful leadership are:

Result oriented

Leaders have to be result oriented no matter what. At the end of the day, as a leader, you have to deliver the result however they are defined. Efforts and good intentions definitely count but what matters and people really care about is what you have accomplished at the end of the day.

Successful leaders are acutely aware of this aspect of leadership and as such spend their time and energy on the most effective activities to achieve the greatest outcomes.

Make high quality decisions 

In an immensely challenging marketplace, the ability to take quick and right decisions by a leader is an asset, more precious than rubies.  

Successful leaders are highly effective decision makers who more often than not get it right when it comes to making right decisions. 

Daniel Assouline, the former CEO and chairman of Montreal based UpClick whose quality decision-making has contributed in a major way to his success as a leader.  

A CEO known for making quality and timely decisions, Daniel spends time reflecting upon his decision-making and how can he improve it.

Superior employee management skills

Setting a clear cut vision is an important part of the job of a good leader. In the absence of a crystal clear vision, leaders are unlikely to motivate their employees in attaining the bigger picture and efficiently fulfill the objectives and mission of an organization.

However, having a clear cut vision will account for little if you lack the communication skills to communicate it to your employees. 

Successful leaders as such are those who have a vision and possess excellent communication skills to communicate that vision effectively and efficiently to their subordinates.

Communication is one of the fundamental leadership capabilities. It is with the help of sound communication skills that leaders manage to align the goals and aspirations of the employees with the overall objective and values of the organization. 

Highly successful CEOs like Daniel Assouline are visionary leaders who have perfected the art of listening along with speaking.  An incredibly good listener, Daniel carefully listens to the suggestions and inputs of his employees and implements them when feasible.

Apart from the above mentioned qualities, Daniel Assouline the former CEO of is also customer focused,  honest, flexible and  highly efficient decision maker who is also a good delegator. 

Thursday 19 November 2015

For Daniel Assouline of Montreal Analyzing Malware is a Mission

The threat of malware is now all-encompassing. No computer user can say he or she is safe.

The extent to which malware has become relevant in the context of computer intrusions can be gauged from the fact that any data breach made public has involved some form of malicious software.

Daniel Assouline, Montreal Information Technology specialist is putting his best efforts to analyze malware and its inner workings.

“If we are able to understand malware, we will be able to bring control in our chaotic and unsecure internet environment”, says Assouline. 

Gone are the days when malware was created by some snooping hobbyists or recreational hackers.  

Sophisticated cybercriminals have entered the arena of intrusions and hacking. They have ambitious goals – to pilfer confidential data, gather passwords, and transmit spam emails. 

Deploying malware is not confined to certain individuals alone.  Even well-organized groups are benefitting from it. 

A safe way to be free from malware is by installing anti-virus software from trusted vendors. 

But all vendors are not created equal. 

Daniel Assouline, IT specialist who is now heading Lavasoft, a leading anti-spyware products maker is busy building safer and more innovative  applications that can nip malware in the bud. 

For Daniel Assouline, Upclick was a huge success, and now he is looking for accomplishments in newer frontiers. 

Thursday 24 September 2015

Daniel Assouline’s Valuable Inputs Helping The Digital Space

Daniel Assouline, Montreal IT specialist is contributing to Canada’s ecommerce space in more ways than one. 

To start with, he was instrumental in fashioning Upclick, a payment processing solution that became an instant success with e-retailers.  

With a broad consensus, merchants hailed Upclick as a platform that has made online payments easier than ever before. 

Assouline knew Canada was in dire need of compelling drivers to fuel growth in online business. Increasing online sales on every channel was essential, if Canada was to figure prominently on the global ecommerce map. 

Upclick was a chapter that dominated the segment of payment processing solutions. Assouline was happy he could do his bit to make it a success. 

But he was not going to rest easy.

Daniel Assouline, Montreal IT specialist had sights on more frontiers. He wanted to broaden his horizon and make his mark elsewhere. 

He knew that the internet has become an all pervading environment among individuals and businesses alike.

For work and pleasure activities the web has become an indispensable tool. Access to internet has brought the entire gamut of information at people’s fingertips.

Nevertheless, this amazing ease has also brought along with it hidden dangers. People are inadvertently downloading freeware without understanding the covert implications of doing so. 

Assouline knew untrustworthy software can track websites people visit, log the keys they type, and in all probability record all activities they perform on the computers. 

Daniel Assouline warns, “Adware apparently is harmless. But often times, the adware people download can be malware”.

Malware is hostile intrusive software that runs continuously in the background, without people knowing about it. It consumes resources, bandwidth and processor speed. 

Assouline is on a mission to protect people from the dangers of malware.

Presently as CEO of Lavasoft, Daniel Assouline has helped the company create anti-malware software that is protecting millions of consumers around the world. 

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Daniel Assouline, the former CEO of, Always Lead by Example

Daniel Assouline, the former CEO of Montreal, Canada based e-commerce solution provider, was a natural born leader of the people. He was a truly generous and dependable leader with all the requisite leadership qualities that made others willingly follow him. 

Daniel was an action oriented leader who adapted a highly proactive approach and worked relentlessly to achieve his vision for the organization.  

Some of the other leadership qualities that made him a highly successful leader are as following:

Impeccable integrity

Leaders can only be successful if they command the love and respect of their followers. Trust and loyalty in turn can be only gained if people think that the leader is honest and has their best interests in mind. Daniel Assouline, the former co-founder of Montreal based UpClick, was a leader known and respected for his impeccable integrity and ethical behaviour.

Lead by example

Quality leaders invariably lead by example and take responsibility for their action. This inspires confidence in their abilities and instils a sense of purpose in their employees.  They are great motivators as well as facilitators who enable the employees to contribute meaningfully towards the organization without any fear of threat or coercions. Daniel Assouline was a highly respected leader who always had a new idea or innovative approach to a problem.